MAYWAY-Fully Automatic Coffee Machines
Daily output: up to 400 cups
Connected load: 230 V / 4400 W
Dimensions: 32.4 x 56 x 81.4 cm (WxDxH)
Daily output: 50 - 75 cups
Brewing group: 7 - 14 g
Coffee bean hopper: 1 kg
Cone grinder
Water tank: 1.8 lt.
Water supply: 3 options
Connected load: 230 V / 1200 W
Dimensions: 30.3 x 51.1 x 58.2 cm (WxDxH)
Tagesleistung: 80 Tassen
2 Instantbehälter: 1,1 lt.
1 Brühgruppe: bis zu 16 g
Heißwasser gesamt: 10 lt.
1 Kaffeebohnenbehälter: 0,6 kg
1 Kegelmahlwerk
Wasserversorgung: 3 Optionen
Anschlussw.: 230 V / 1700 W
Abm.: 36,8 x 55 x 58,5 cm (BxTxH)
Daily output: 50 - 75 cups
Brewing group: 7 - 14 g
Coffee bean hopper: 1 kg
Cone grinder
Water tank: 6 lt.
Connection: 230 V / 1400 W
Dimensions: 40.3 x 51.1 x 58.2 cm (WxDxH)
Daily output up to 75 drinks
Connection: 230 V
Dimensions: 26 x 55 x 58.5 cm (WxDxH)
Daily output up to 200 drinks
Connected load: 230 V / 3200 W
Dimensions: 36.8 x 55.6 x 74.5 cm (WxDxH)
Output: up to 90 cups per hour
Connection: 230 V / 2500 W
Dimensions: 38 x 56 x 69 cm (WxDxH)
Daily output up to 70 cups
Connected load: 230 V / 3100 W
Dimensions: 30.4 x 55.9 x 57.2 cm (WxDxH)